Write me at...

Missionary Email: rshelton@myldsmail.net

Mission Home Address and Package Mailing Address:

Sister Rachel Joanne Shelton
Perú Lima North Mission
Ave Carlos Izaquirre #124
Casilla de Corrello 39-054
Lima 28, PERU

Dear Elder (dot) com: Good news! Because my mission uses the pouch, Dear Elder letters are free my entire mission! (Which means you have no excuse for not writing! ;) ) All you have to do is go to dearelder.com, click on "write a missionary" select "Peru Lima North" type in my name, and write away!

Pouch Mail Address:

Sister Rachel Joanne Shelton
Perú Lima North Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150

The pouch is a system used by the Church to send mail to missions where the mail system is a bit unreliable. To send a letter through the pouch you send it to Church headquarters, where it is then forwarded to me, along with other Church mail. The pouch leaves Church headquarters every Friday (so get it there before then! ;)) and if received after Friday, it will be sent the following week. The catch with pouch is that the letter can only be one page long, and written on only one side of the page.
Instructions: Use one sheet of printer paper, write the letter, lay the letter blank side down, and then fold the paper into thirds, and secure it with two pieces of tape, about one inch in from each end of the letter making sure not to seal the ends. In the top left corner write your name and complete return address, place the stamp in the upper right hand corner, and then write out the Pouch mailing address (see above)  in the middle. Postcards are also approved to be sent through pouch.
Items restricted from the pouch: lightweight (notebook) paper, envelopes, pictures, treats, cash, etc...
If the letter doesn't meet the requirements it will be sent back or thrown away.

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