Monday, April 28, 2014

Hot dogs and French fries

Hey family!

So, I have been responding individually to some emails and the time got away from me! But I wanted to tell you about an experience I had this past week.

So, Heavenly Father works in many mysterious ways. About a week and a half ago my companion and I were walking back to our apartment after a long day. It was almost 9 o clock and we needed to be in our room soon. We were walking past a restaurant when I got the STRONGEST craving for salchipapa. (salchipapa is fried hot dogs and french fries covered in mayonnaise and mustard. Don`t judge. It’s delicious) 
so anyways. we were walking past and I literally stopped in my tracks, grabbed my companions shoulder and said, "Yo quiero salchipapa" (I want some salchipapa!) and she looked at me for a sec, got a big grin on her face and said, I was just thinking the same thing! But then I doubted for a minute and, it’s almost 9, Salchipapa is so fattening and I don`t want to gain even more weight, I`ll eat a sandwich or something in the house. But I literally could not stop thinking about it. My companion as well. So we were like, Well! What the heck! Let’s eat some salchipapa! So we sat down and started eating and when we went to pay the lady at the counter asked if we could come visit her and her family. We just kind of stopped and looked at her and were like, well yeah! of course! Are you a member? Turns out, She`s not. But her husband is (but inactive). And they attended church for a while a couple of years back but she and her kids had never been baptized. So we set up an appointment for the next Tuesday. That day we taught the first two principles of lesson one, God is our loving Heavenly Father and The gospel blesses families, and she told us that all of the words we said were exactly what she had been waiting to hear. She said she has been praying for a long time for help with her family, for her kids. We were able to testify that Heavenly Father loves her and her family and that he answers prayers. We felt impressed to tell her about our experience with the Salchipapa, and as we did she started to cry. We have had two lessons with them since, and we have family night tonight with them. Her and her two youngest kids came to church yesterday and my companion and I just fell in love with this family really quickly and are so excited to be working with them.
I know Heavenly Father answers prayers, and sometimes that means giving his missionaries strange cravings in the nighttime so that we can find those who are ready to hear our message. Salchipapa and a new family to teach? I`m not complaining :) 

I am super excited for Mother’s day! We need to coordinate what time and everything. What time will be best for you guys?

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Hermana Shelton

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