what?! I saw the sun this week for the first time in months! It
was the greatest thing ever. Actually, kind of funny experience, I was reading
the book ``Our search for happiness`` during personal study that morning,
the part about the first vision, when all of a sudden the room flooded with
light. At first I was like, what the?! whats going on?! But then I realized it
was just the sun deciding to make its appearance in Lima. Haha. It made me
laugh. My companion and I were in such a good mood that day. :) I`ll send some
pictures we took.
It made me laugh that
everyone mentioned that fall has arrived at home. While you all are excited for
the cold, I can`t wait for the HEAT. At least I`ll have a little taste of
spring and summer before coming home to winter again :)
So I am sure I had more
to tell you, but I can`t think of anything! I did tell you last week that J. was going to be baptized on Saturday but....he went on a business trip
instead.... It’s been interesting teaching him. He knows that being baptized
and being a member of the church is what God wants of him, but he was really
active in his old church and it is hard for him to let go of some interesting
beliefs he has and to accept all we teach him. So, we will see how things go
this week.
Also!! Remember E.?
The mom we found who`s two sons are members, but inactive. That we have
been wanting her to come to church for forever, but hadn`t come? Well yesterday
she came with both of her sons! I almost couldn`t believe it when I saw them
walk in. I was so happy :)
Fun moment of the
week. My companion is learning English and she actually speaks it really well.
We had a lot of fun talking and telling stories in English this last week. One
of her goals was to better her verbs, (like past tense, future, etc...) And so
we were telling stories from our childhood as we walked from lesson to lesson,
and we were laughing so hard. it was weird trying to tell stories in English, I
kept reverting back to Spanish and she would hit me and say, Speak English! I
understand you! It was good times :) President has been really focusing on the
latinos learning English and they are always asking to learn funny phrases or
jokes (I taught my companion a couple of knock knock jokes this week) But
unfortunately there is an elder in the zone that the only phrase he knows how
to say is ``shut up`` :P His last name is Niño and it has become a catch phrase
of the zone whenever anyone sees him is to say, ``shut up niño``
Anyways. The week has
been good! We started out the week well, teaching lots of lessons, but for some
reason nobody was home or could receive us on Thursday and Friday and Saturday
and we walked, and walked, and walked.... My legs are sore. But its ok.
Hopefully more people will be home this week :)
Well, I guess that’s
all! I tried connecting my camera to send the pictures but it wasn`t reading
it. With the time that’s left I`ll try again.
Love you all! Ciao!
H` Shelton
Soaking up the the Sun!
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